iPad ushering e-zine version of Car and Driver; How analytics on content, reader engagement may follow

Car and Driver on iPad (Image Source: Autoblog)

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Car and Driver has just released an e-zine version for the iPad according to Autoblog.  This is part of the start of the e-zine movement, though C and D’s publisher is not alone (see the Zimana blog post on the foray by Bonnier/Popular Science into electronic magazine content ).

The Autoblog gang was a bit underwhelmed with the e-zine Car and Driver, considering the offering as just a transfer of the magazine with no significant features that take advantage of the new format.  That’s a missed opportunity to create renewed interest in the magazine, particularly as now there are so many sources that break car news instantly, such as … er…Autoblog.

That’s okay for now.  The discussion of content — and how to best measure its effects on readers — continues unabated.  The best that these and other organizations can do is to use as much analytics tagging as technologically possible to learn how people use the content and provide better services for all.

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